
National Dong Hwa University

♦ 中文 – English ♦

第3天:  [包車] 涂媽媽特級香粽 food icon -> 瑞穗牧場 food icon -> 大農大富平地森林園區 Image result for camera icon -> 花蓮觀光糖廠food icon -> 親親果園 -> 雲山水 -> 東華大學 Image result for camera icon -> 鬰金香花園 Image result for camera icon -> 液香扁食food icon -> 海埔蚵仔煎 food icon -> 東大門夜市food icon

Day 3: [by Taxi] Madam Tu's Zongzi food icon -> Ruisui Farm food icon -> Danongdafu Forest Park Image result for camera icon-> Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory food icon -> Qing Qing Farm -> Yuen Shan Shui Ecological Farm -> National Dong Hwa University Image result for camera icon -> Tulip Garden -> Ye Xiang Bian Shi (Wonton) food icon -> Hai-pu Oyster Omelette food icon -> Dongdamen Night Marketfood icon

親親果園 Qing Qing Farm

我人生第一次摘草莓!!可惜的是當天我們下午才去有點晚,所以也不是很多草莓可以摘,草莓要不然太小,要不然就不夠紅色。我們逛了差不多兩個小時也只是摘到大概20顆。 This was the first time I ever tried picking strawberries! Unfortunately, it seems that being there in the afternoon was actually too late so a lot or the red and big strawberries were already gone. We only picked around 20 strawberries after being there for 2 hours. Strawberry 這一顆是我那麼多顆草莓中最大最紅的一顆! This strawberry was the biggest and the most reddish one I had! Strawberry

雲山水生態農莊 Yuen Shan Shui Ecological Farm

雲山水生態農莊有“全台最美仙境”的稱號。其實它是幾家民宿的私人土地,雖然大部分區域也是住客才可以內進,但是也有部分區域開放給遊客參觀。 雲山水裡面有幾家著名的民宿,包括“有熊的森林”、“逸翠軒”和“雲山水Villa Home”。 雲山水Villa Home”更有全台必住十大超美民宿的榮耀。聽說房價大概是NT 6,800 到 NT 8,800左右。這一次我沒有機會入住雲山水的民宿,但是我看到網上和很多博客對雲山水生態農莊的推介那麼吸引,所以我決定去逛逛! Yuen Shan Shui Ecological Farm was said to be 'the most gorgeous fairyland in Taiwan'. Actually, it was a private land of a few guest houses. Although most areas were only opened to the people living in the guest houses, parts of the area were also opened to the public. There were a number of famous guest house in Yuen Shan Shui, including 'Bear Forest',  'Water Paradise Villa' and 'Yuen Shan Shui Villa Home (雲山水Villa Home) ' 'Yuen Shan Shui Villa Home' was even said to be one of the 10 'must-try beautiful guest houses in Taiwan'. According to the website, the price range was around NT 6,800 to NT 8,800左右. This time,  I didn't live in any of the guest houses in Yuen Shan Shui but after seeing so many good comments about Yuen Shan Shui in travel blogs and the Internet, we have decided to go there to have a look! 值得一讚的是我覺得他們的建築物挺可愛的。我們去了有熊的森林的門口看看,他們使用了歐洲式的建築,並且在門口放了一隻好可愛的熊!我覺得整個民宿看起來很可愛啊! The buildings in Yuen Shan Shui are really very cute. The building of Bear Forest is in a European style. They also placed a very cute teddy bear at the entrance! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2048"]P2040145_marked 雲山水民宿:有熊的森林 The guest house in Yuen Shan Shui: Bear Forest[/caption] 我看過不少文章說雲山水多麼漂亮,又有山又有水又有很多綠色植物。但是,其實我對這個景點挺失望的。 整體而然,雲山水給我一個非常人工化的感覺。譬如湖水看起來有很重的藍色,看起來非常不自然,而且我總覺得那些植物的配搭有點奇怪的。我還是比較喜歡歐洲或者日本那些園景! 或許因為我去的時候是冬天(1月)吧,所以那些植物不是翠翠綠綠的顏色。或許夏天去的話會比較好? 最重要的是,園區給我的整體感覺並沒有傳聞中的寧靜和美麗。我們參觀的時候,園區有一些工程正在進行中,所以現場有點吵,而且門口附近放了不少機器。可能因為工程進行中,所以園區裡面也有塵土飛揚。 在噪音的催逼下,而且我們沒有在雲山水停留很久就走了。我希望他們的工程可以盡快完成,或許工程完成後這個地方會變得不一樣吧! I have read quite a number of posts and blogs saying how beautiful is Yuen Shan Shui, they said that this place was full of beautiful green trees, plants, and lake. However, in general, I felt very disappointed with this place. Overall speaking, Yuen Shan Shui looked quite artificial to me. For example, the lake had a very very bluish colour which looked very unnatural to me. Also, I thought that the combination of trees there was a bit weird. I prefer the gardens in Europe and Japan more! Some plants were withered and looked very brown. Was it because of the weather? (I went there in January). I guess it might look better in the summer time? Most importantly, the whole garden was not as peaceful and beautiful as said. There was some construction work going on when we visited Yuen Shan Shui. Therefore, it was quite noisy and dusty. We couldn't withstand the noise so we just immediately left Yuen Shan Shui after walking for around 15 - 20 min. I just wish that the construction work can finish as soon as possible. Otherwise, I believe that this would not be a nice place to visit [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2048"]P2040138(1)_marked 雲山水生態農莊 Yuen Shan Shui Ecological Farm[/caption]


國立東華大學 National Dong Hwa University Image result for camera icon

這個據說是全台灣最美麗的大學!校園的面積跟香港的大學比較簡直是無得比!建築物是走歐洲和現代風格的!我很喜歡站在橋上眺望遠處的建築物的感覺,我也很喜歡校園裡面這一片有大草地,我見到有遊客帶同小狗來這個草地寫生,感覺很寫意。希望香港也早日有這類型的地方吧! It was said to be the most gorgeous university in Taiwan! It was far bigger than the universities in Hong Kong! The buildings were in a mix of European and Modern style! I love standing on the bridge looking at the buildings at the opposite side of the lake. I also love the grass. It was such a relaxing place. There were visitors bringing their pets along lying on the grass. There were also some visitors making sketching of the campus.  I wish that there would be similar places in Hong Kong for people to chill around and enjoy the weather! National Dong Hwa University


鬰金香花園 Tulip Garden Image result for camera icon

我就是在HK Express 飛機上面的航班介紹中看到他們推薦鬰金香花園作為花蓮的特色景點。他們只列出2個景點,另一個就是太魯閣。所以我對這個景點有很高的期待因為他們給我的感覺好像是說這個花園可以媲美到世界知名的太魯閣! 果然城堡沒有令我失望真的跟相片上一樣漂亮。但是其實這個城堡只是整個鬰金香花園的一少部分,其他部分是什麼來的呢? I decided to visit this place because I saw a photo of the garden from the brochure on the HK Express aeroplane! They listed out this Tulip Garden as one of the 2 attractions they recommend for Hualien. The other one was Taroko. Therefore, I have very high expectation on this place because it seemed that they were saying that this was comparable to the very famous Taroko! When I arrived at the garden, the castle was indeed very gorgeous. However, the castle was only a small part of the whole garden, so how was the other parts of the garden? [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"]Tulip Garden Castle 鬱金香花園城堡 Tulip Garden Castle[/caption] 其實花園其他部分是好像花店或者香港的花市那樣的,賣賣盆栽那樣。所以我覺得千里迢迢要坐車坐到這個火車站再從火車站走來實在有點不值得。總括而然,我覺得如果只是去城堡旁邊拍拍照的話還好,但是其他地方就沒有什麼好拍的了。 Actually, the other part of the garden was basically like a flower market in Hong Kong. There were some little pots placed on the floor for sale. Therefore, I personally think that it didn't worth the transport and the time to visit this place. For the purpose of photograph-taking, I think that the castle was the only area good for photograph taking. Tulip Garden Castle

正如上文說言,我們在去完鬰金香花園就回去花蓮市中心在液香扁食附近下車了。花蓮市中心外的行程也完滿結束。 As mentioned in the previous article, we went back to Hualien city after visiting the Tulip Garden and got off the taxi near Ye Xiang Bian Shi (Wonton). This called the end of our trip to the towns outside Hualien City Centre.


thumb_up1600液香扁食 Ye Xiang Bian Shi (Wonton) food icon

扁食是花蓮著名的食物之一。 其實我們在第2天的時候已經去過液香扁食,那時候大概是晚上8點,但是店家當天的份量已經賣完了並且關門了。根據店家說,他們大概每一天的7點左右就會賣完關門,所以我會建議大家早一點去!不過由於餐廳裡面很多座位而,其實可以舒舒服服地在座位裡面等食物不用排隊! Bian Shi (扁食) is one of the famous foods in Hualien. Actually, we have already gone to Ye Xiang Bian Shi on Day 2 at around 8 pm. However, all the Bian Shi was sold out and the shop was already closed at 8 pm! According to the waitress, they usually sell off all the 扁食at around 7 pm every day, so I would suggest you to go there earlier! One thing I like about this shop is that they have plentiful of seats inside the restaurant so you don't have to line up for the food but just have to wait for it at the table!

液香扁食 (Wonton)

原來扁食是一種外表好像香港雲吞的東西,內餡沒有鮮蝦而是豬肉餡料。 I was surprised to find that Bian Shi was actually something like the Hong Kong style wonton. The only difference is that they use pork instead of prawn as the filling! no prawn in the filling. 液香扁食 (Wonton)這個扁食吃起來不錯,同時又大顆又便宜,他們一碗有大概10顆扁食,但是一碗只是大概NT 60 到80的價錢,真的好便宜!(我不記得確實多少錢) It tasted decent and it was very cheap! There were around 10 in one bowl but it cost around NT 60 - 80 for 1 bowl! (I don't remember the exact price) 液香扁食 (Wonton) 分數 Score: ★★★★ (5分滿分 Over 5)

thumb_up1600海埔蚵仔煎 Hai-pu Oyster Omelette food icon

我們在第2天的時候也去過這個蚵仔煎,那時候大概是晚上7點半,跟液香扁食一樣,他們那時候也已經賣完了。(*這個故事教訓我們在花蓮如果要吃好的,記得要早一點去) 我們第3天晚上再去的時候,我們是5點多開始排隊的,我們也足足等了半個小時才入座! (如果大家等到口渴我會建議你們可以去旁邊的楊子萱招牌愛玉 (Lime Juice with Aiyu Jelly) food icon 喝愛玉檸檬!)  幸好那天的天氣稍微清涼但是不是太冷,所以也不算難受。 雖然等了那麼久但是其實一點也不會悶!因為老闆煎蚵仔煎其實真的好好看,就好像一個表演一樣!好多也圍著老闆拍照! We also went there on Day 2 but at the time when we were there at around 7:30 pm, all oyster omelettes were sold out too. (*So, please remember to go out early for dinner when you are in Hualien) We went there again on Day 3. We started lining up at around 5pm and we were at the queue for 30 min before getting the food! (If you feel thirsty when you are waiting at the queue, I would suggest you to grab a drink from 楊子萱招牌愛玉 (Lime Juice with Aiyu Jelly) food icon beside Hai-pu Oyster Omelette! Although it was a long wait but don't worry that you will get bored because you can see the book cooking Oyster omelette in front of you! It was as fun as a performance and a lot of people took pictures and videos of him! Hai-pu Oyster Omelette 店家當天只有賣蚵仔煎。當我拿到這份蚵仔煎的時候我簡直覺得等了那麼久也是完全值得的,那個蚵仔煎不是太濕但是也不會太乾,不會太糊,不會太多粉但是也不會過軟。我很喜歡他們的醬汁,有一點甜甜的配合蚵仔煎,不會太濃味而蓋過蚵仔的鮮味,反而令味道更豐富!好好吃!我真的強烈推薦這個! They only sold oyster omelette on that day. When I got the oyster omelette, I felt that the time I spent in the queue really worth it! The oyster omelette wasn't too wet but not too dry. It wasn't too sticky but at the same now wasn't powdery. I like the sauce very much, it carried a slight hint of sweetness but was not too strong to cover the taste of oysters. Instead, it brought up the taste of oyster and made the taste of the whole omelette richer. It was really good and I highly recommend it!! Hai-pu Oyster Omelette 分數 Score: ★★★★★ (5分滿分 Over 5)

東大門夜市 Dongdamen Night Market

請另見文章。 Please see another article about this

總結 Conclusion

總括來說,其實我對花蓮市中心外的景點也挺失望的。由於看到瑞穗牧場、雲山水和鬰金香花園的網上評語和航空公司的評語好像也不錯,所以我很期待這幾個景點,最後選擇犧牲不去太魯閣,但是我最後對這些景點反而是最失望的。所以我會建議大家如果時間不是很夠的話,而且想去太魯閣的話不如不要去花蓮市中心外景點。 In conclusion, I was actually quite disappointed with these tourist places located outside the Hualien City. I have decided to give up my travel plan to Taroko because of the positive comments I saw on the internet and the brochures on the aeroplanes about Rui Sui Farm, Yuen Shan Shui and the Tulip Garden. Therefore, I had a very high expectation in those places. However, those places really let me down. If you don't have enough time to travel outside the Hualien City and the Taroko, I would suggest you just go to Taroko and not travelling outside Hualien City.

其他相關文章 See other relevant posts:

[台灣花蓮] 5日4夜總覽 | [Taiwan Hualien] 5-day Trip Overview

[台灣花蓮]第2天 (上) 交通+鵝肉先生| [TAIWAN HUALIEN] DAY 2 (I) TRANSPORT + MR GOOSE



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