
RuiSui Farm

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第3天:  [包車] 涂媽媽特級香粽 food icon--> 瑞穗牧場 food icon--> 大農大富平地森林園區 Image result for camera icon--> 花蓮觀光糖廠food icon --> 雲山水 --> 東華大學 Image result for camera icon --> 鬰金香花園 --> 液香扁食food icon --> 海埔蚵仔煎 food icon--> 東大門夜市food icon

Day 3: [by Taxi] Madam Tu's Zongzi food icon--> Ruisui Farm food icon--> Danongdafu Forest Park Image result for camera icon--> Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory food icon--> Yuen Shan Shui Ecological Farm --> National Dong Hwa University Image result for camera icon--> Tulip Garden Castle --> Ye Xiang Bian Shi (Wonton) food icon--> Hai-pu Oyster Omelette food icon--> Dongdamen Night Marketfood icon

包車交通 Taxi

當天是下雨天。本來我們只是打算打車到花蓮火車站坐火車到瑞穗,但是計程車開了一個很便宜的價錢讓我們包車(2500台幣)(通常需要3000台幣) ,加上我們考慮到我們當天的行程也是需要到不同火車站,因此我們決定了包車。整天大部分的行程也是用包車。我們大概早上10:30點在花蓮上車,下午5點在花蓮的液香扁食下次。 It was raining that day. We initially planned to start our trip by taking taxi to the Hualien Train Station, followed by a train to Rui Sui Train Station. To our surprise, our taxi driver offered the chartered taxi service for 1 day at a very cheap price (TWD 2500)(which usually costs TWD 3000). Therefore, instead of taking train, we took taxi for almost the whole day. We got on the taxi at 10:30am in Hualien and got off at 液香扁食 (Wonton) at 5pm in Hualien.

thumb_up1600涂媽媽特級香粽 Madam Tu's Zongzi food icon

這家的粽子不但是在遊客之間有名,甚至在當地人之間也很有名氣,甚至連司機一知道我們會去瑞穗,就立刻說他想先去這裡買午餐! 我其實向來不是特別喜歡吃粽子,但是這個粽子真的很不錯!它的質感扎實,所以用筷子夾起來的時候不容易碎。沒有多餘調味,主要是淡淡的滷豬肉香味,所以給我一個家的感覺。價錢也很便宜! 如果覺得粽子味道太清淡,可以加那個紅紅的調味料。那個調味料不是很辣 (我是一個完全吃不了辣的人),只是帶有少許的辣椒香味。 This Zongzi is not only famous amongst tourists, but also very famous amongst the locals. Actually when the driver knew that we want to go to Rui Sui, he immediately said that he want to go to this shop for lunch! I am not a Zongzi-lover, but this Zongzi is really good! Its texture is not too moist and crumbly so it was easy to pick it up with chopsticks. I found it not over-seasoned other than the taste of the pork. Therefore, it tasted like home-made food cooked by mum. It was also very cheap too! If you find it tastes too plain, you can add that reddish sauce. That sauce is actually not very spicy (I cannot eat spicy food at all), but it has some taste of chili. Madam Tu's Zhongzi Madam Tu's Zhongzi


瑞穗牧場 Ruisui Farm food icon

沒有想到一進到瑞穗牧場就會見到這片菜花田。我去花蓮的時候是1月底,可能正是菜花的季節,其實不但是瑞穗牧場,甚至在瑞穗其他的角落也是充滿著菜花。 I didn't expect to see so many canola flower at the Ruisui Farm! I visited Hualien in January. Probably because it was the season of canola flower, so basically I could see canola flower not only in the Ruisui Farm but basically everywhere in Rui Sui. RuiSui FarmRuiSui Farm RuiSui Farm 牧場面積不是很大,其實開放給遊客的區域只有一列紀念品店、餐廳、露天餐椅和餐桌還有門口觀看牛牛和鴕鳥的牛棚,圍繞整個牧場走其實只需要大概15分鐘就可以逛完。 Ruisui Farm wasn't big. Actually, only the souvenir shop, the cafe, the outdoor dining area and the cowshed beside the entrance where the cows and ostrichs lived were opened to public. It only took around 15min to finish walking around the whole farm. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2048"]RuiSui Farm 門口旁邊的牛棚 The cowshed beside the entrance[/caption] 這個牧場有一點很特別的是他們在養牛牛的區域也放了2隻鴕鳥。當天我還看到一場鴕鳥夫妻吵架(男鴕鳥走到他老婆身邊但是老婆卻不理他轉過身走了)雖然鴕鳥很有趣,不過告示牌說鴕鳥是會戳人的,所以大家拍照的時候也記得不要走太近啊! One thing very special about this farm is that they have 2 ostriches living with the cows! On that day I even saw the ostrich wife couple having a fight with each other- the male ostrich walked to his wife but his wife just simply ignore him. Although ostriches look very funny and cute but the warning sign said that they sometimes attack people, so please remember to keep a distance when taking photos of them. RuiSui Farm RuiSui Farm 我們在餐廳點了熱牛奶、牛奶奶凍和鮮奶冰淇淋。 We ordered hot milk, milk pudding and milk ice cream from the cafe. 說真的,牛奶真的很令我失望。我以前沒有喝過瑞穗牧場出產的牛奶,所以不可以把這個跟平常便利店那裡賣的比較它的新鮮程度和味道,但是我覺得這一杯喝起來完全不好喝。我個人覺得好喝的奶分為兩種,第一是充滿著奶香味而且質地稍微濃的,第二的味道是清一點的,稍微帶一點甜味,但是也會帶有淡淡奶味的,並且讓人感覺很舒服的。但是這一個牛奶是完全沒有它應有的奶香味,沒有甜味,喝起來個質地跟水差不多。我覺得日本北海道3.6牛乳,英國Tesco 的全脂奶,甚至香港的十字牌鮮奶更好喝... 我承認熱牛奶的味道通常會比冷牛奶淡,但是我覺得它也是淡得有點過分... Seriously, I was very disappointed with the milk. I haven't tried the milk from the Ruisui Farm brand before so I cannot compare it with those sold in the convenient shop in terms of freshness. However, I found this cup of milk didn't taste food at all. Personally, I think there are two types of milk which I like a lot. The first is being comparatively thick and creamy  in texture and tastes very heavy. The second one is one which is lighter in texture with slightly a hint of sweetness but still have a rich taste of 'milk'. But this one tasted very much like water, no sweetness, almost tasteless. Personally, I think the Hokkaido Specially Select 3.6 Milk from Japan, the Tesco British Whole Milk from the UK and even the Trappist Dairy milk from Hong Kong taste even better than this one... I know that hot milk tastes generally plainer than cool milk but still I think this one was just far too tasteless. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"]RuiSui Farm 熱鮮奶 Hot Milk[/caption] 沒有特別的牛奶自然做出沒有特別的牛奶奶凍。如果是便利店賣的話我會覺得還好,但是要千里迢迢來到這裡吃的話我就覺得完全不值得了。 It came to no surprise that,  the milk pudding which was made from this tasteless milk was not good too. If this pudding is the kind which I sold at the convenient shop, I might find it alright but if I have to travel such a long way to eat it here, then I found it totally not worth it. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2048"]RuiSui Farm 牛奶奶凍 Milk Pudding[/caption] 我覺得鮮奶冰淇淋是3種點心中最好吃的一個,其實它的味道也是比較清淡,但是他的乳香味較突出。我發現把小量的鮮奶冰淇淋混入熱鮮奶不但可以把鮮奶的溫度降低令鮮奶更加容易入口,另外冰淇淋也可以令整杯鮮奶的味道更加濃稠! This tasted the best among the 3 items. Actually, it also tasted quite plain but it has a stronger taste of milk. I also found that adding some milk ice cream into the hot milk can make the texture of the hot milk more creamy! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2048"]RuiSui Farm 鮮奶冰淇淋 Milk Ice-cream[/caption] (以上食物)分數 Score: ★★★ 1/2 (5分滿分 Over 5) 我們吃完茶點後就去逛牧場。逛牧場的時候遠遠看到某些不對外開放的牛棚裡牛的活動空間很小、很擠,而且那些牛看起來比門口的牛棚那些牛沒有那麼精神,媽媽看到就說「那些牛生活得不開心的話,他們的牛奶也一定不會好喝」 We walked around in the farm after eating. When we walked around, we found some areas not opened to be public with over-crowded cowsheds. The cows living there looked not as energetic as the cows at the cowshed beside the main entrance. Seeing that, my mum immediately said that 'No wonder the milk didn't taste good, it's because it is from these unhappy cow' 整體來說,我對瑞穗牧場這個行程可以說是十分失望,如果大家的行程不夠時間的話,我不是特別推薦大家來。 Overall speaking, I was very disappointed with Ruisui Farm. If you don't have much time for your trip, I would not recommend you to visit Ruisui Farm.

大農大富平地森林園區 Danongdafu Forest Park Image result for camera icon

司機把我們帶到這個公園拍照,公園面積很大,而且裡面的花也色彩繽紛的!他們有一個比瑞穗牧場更加大片的菜花田,所以到處也可以看到很多人在這裡拍照。我覺得這裡是一個拍人像的好地點。 After visiting Ruisui Farm, the driver bought us to this park for taking photography. The park was very big and was full of very colourful flowers. They had a lot more canola flower than Ruisui Farm. Therefore, there were a lot of people there taking photos. I believe that it was a good place for portrait. Danongdafu



花蓮觀光糖廠 Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory food icon

據說這裡本來是主要賣糖的,後來轉為賣冰的。我們沒有在這裡多逛,只是在這裡吃了一個冰淇淋就走了。 According to the driver, this place used to sell sugar in the past but then changed to sell ice cream. We didn't spend much time at this place but just leave immediately after trying their ice-cream. Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory 這裡有很多不同款式冰淇淋,花多眼亂,而且分量也很大。我想了很久也決定不到吃哪一款。 There were a lot of different kinds of ice cream which one could choose from. Also the portion was huge. I had a difficult time thinking about what to eat. Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory Hualien Tourism Sugar FactoryHualien Tourism Sugar Factory 我最後選了他們推薦的醉香冰淇淋。 Finally , I decided to try their wine ice-cream. 其實我不是很喝酒的人,但是我也覺得沒有什麼酒味,因此我想這個或許比較適合想吃一點酒味但是完全不喝酒的人。我覺得整體偏甜,吃到後來有點膩,所以我不是太喜歡這個冰淇淋。 他們的脆餅真的是很脆,不過沒有什麼味道,甚至完全沒有奶油的香味。 Actually, I do not drink much but I still found this ice-cream very plain without much taste of alcohol. I believe that this ice-cream might suit people who do not drink alcohol at all. Also, I found it too sweet so I couldn't finish it at last. I didn't like it. The ice-cream cone was very crispy but it didn't have much taste and not buttery at all. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"]Hualien Sugar Factory 醉香冰淇淋 (TWD 50)[/caption] 分數 Score: ★★1/2 (5分滿分 Over 5)

待續 To be continued ...

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