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第2天: 早上坐6:20am火車到花蓮(2小時車程) --> 酒店休息 --> 鵝肉先生 --> 鋼管紅茶 --> 公正包子 --> 中華路買手信 --> 楊子萱招牌愛玉 --> 泥巴咖啡,老鼠背果
Day 2: Took a morning train to Hualien at 6:20 am (2-hour travel) –> Rested a while at the hotel –> Mr Goose –> Steel Pipe Black Tea –> Gongzheng Baozi –> Buying souvenir at Zhonghua Road –> 楊子萱招牌愛玉 (Lime Juice with Aiyu Jelly) –> Mud Coffee, Mouse Bagel
吃過鵝肉先生后,我就沿著以下路線逛 After eating at Mr Goose, I worked around this area as shown in the diagram: (*這一次沒有機會吃戴記扁食,但是這一家也很出名,所以紅圈了 I haven't had an opportunity to try the Dai Ji Wonton this time but I have also circled it in red because it is very famous)
鋼管紅茶(廟口紅茶) Steel Pipe Black Tea
鋼管紅茶是在公正包子的對面。 一到鋼管紅茶就看到有長長的人龍,等了10-15分鐘左右終於到我了。 Steel Pipe Black Tea was opposite to Gongzheng Baozi. The queue was pretty long and I have been waiting for around 10-15 min before I could get my drink. 他們為什麼有這個名字是因為他們的茶和飲品煮好後也是放在樓上的容器的,當伯伯打開鋼管的開關,飲品就會從上面流下來。 The reason why they have such a name is they stored the drinks and the black tea in the containers installed on the second floor. When they turn on the water taps on the steel pipes, the drinks would then flow along the steel pipes to the counter. 本來我打算喝他們的招牌紅茶,但是在快要排隊排到我的時候我忽然看到前面的人點西瓜汁後我就決定點西瓜汁了。因為他們的西瓜汁跟其他地方不同的是他們很特別地混了楊桃汁去打成的! 所以西瓜汁的顏色也是偏橙色的。 混了楊桃汁的西瓜汁果然跟平常外面喝的不同。它沒有想象中的酸酸甜甜的感覺,我這一杯的西瓜也不是很甜所以整體味道比較輕淡。但是它的確比外面喝到的多了一種層次。 Before I joined the queue, I planned to try their famous black tea. However, I changed my mind at the very last minute when I saw the people just before me ordered the watermelon juice. Their watermelon juice was very different from the one from other juice shops because they added star fruit juice when blending the watermelon. Therefore, you can see that the watermelon juice was orange in colour. I expected that it would taste sour and sweet but, actually, it was quite light. Having said that, I could tell that it didn't taste like an ordinary watermelon juice but far more refreshing. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"] 鋼管紅茶 Steel Pipe Red Tea - 西瓜汁Watermelon Juice[/caption] 紅茶看起來黑黑的,但是出乎意料地其實味道挺淡的,而且也不是太甜。可能因為我比較喜歡濃香一點的茶,所以我覺得不是太特別。 The Black Tea looked quite black so it came to my surprise that it wasn't strong. Unlike most Taiwanese drinks, it didn't taste too sweet. Personally, I prefer strong tea so I didn't find this particularly good. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"] 鋼管紅茶 Steel Pipe Black Tea - 紅茶 Black Tea
[/caption] 分數 Score : ★★★ 1/2 (5分滿分 Over 5)
公正包子 Gongzheng Baozi
公正包子是在鋼管紅茶對面的。 公正包子也是要排隊,但是因為員工辦事很麻利,所以排隊不是要等很久。如果兩個人去旅行,我會建議大家一邊排鋼管紅茶,一邊排公正包子。 如果大家想留肚子吃其他東西,我會建議大家只吃小籠包,因為,你一定捨不得只吃一個!! Gongzheng Baozi was opposite to Steel Pipe Black Tea. There was also a long queue outside Gongzheng Baozi. Their staffs worked really fast so we didn't have to wait too long. If you are travelling in a group, I would suggest you and your friend line up for Steel Pipe Black Tea and Gongzheng Baozi at the same time. If you don't want to get too full, I would suggest you to order their Xiaolongbao only, cos you would definitely want to eat more than one! 他們的小籠包跟香港的小籠包是不一樣的,是一個小小的肉包子。小籠包真的很好很好吃!!!裡面的肉湯很香,餡料多汁,外面的皮稍有點點軟但是也帶一點彈牙。包子不會太濕不會糊但是也不會太乾!真的很好吃! 我們在第四天經過的時候也重新買多一次吃 (只點小籠包!!),但是還是不膩!現在看到照片也覺得很餓很想吃... (但是其實我剛剛才吃過午飯...) Their Xiaolongbao was very different from the one in Hong Kong, it was basically a small meat bun. Xiaolongbao tasted super good!! The meat fillings was very juicy, the skin was not too soft and was slightly chewy. The bun was not too damp but it was definitely not dry! Everything was just in the right balance!!!! When we passed by the shop on Day 4, we actually ordered it again (We just ordered Xiaolongbao), and I still enjoyed it very much!!! Now when I see the photos, I feel very hungry and I really want to fly back to Hualien now to eat it again ... (But actually I just had my lunch...) [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1511"] 小籠包 Xiaolongbao[/caption] 對比之下蒸餃比較遜色,它的皮沒有小籠包那麼彈牙,但是餡料也是很香很多汁。我覺得它跟外面普遍的蒸餃對比下也算是不錯的味道。 In comparison, the steamed dumpling was not that special. Its skin was not as chewy as the skin of the Xiaolongbao. I still like the filling very much and it was very juicy. To be fair, I think it was also quite nice when compared with other steamed dumplings. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"] 蒸餃 Steamed Dumpling[/caption] 分數 Score: ★★★★★ (5分滿分 Over 5)
買手信(紀念品) Buying souvenir
經過公正包子後沿著中山路一直走,然後再拐進中華路。這一帶有很多手信(紀念品)可以買,譬如著名的土產剝皮辣椒、牛軋糖、奶油酥條等等。 在中華路也有瑞穗牧場花蓮門市,主要賣食品和美容品,大家如果沒有時間去瑞穗也可以去門市看看。 After visiting Gongzheng Baozi, you can walk along Zhongshan Road and then turn right to Zhonghua Road, where there were a lot of souvenir shop selling souvenir including Peeled Chili Ppper, Nougat and Cream Puffs Bar. You can also find a store from Rui Sui Farm in Zhonghua Road, selling dairy product and skincare product, you can go there to have a look if you don't have time to visit Rui Sui. (*將會出另一文章關於花蓮紀念品推介 I will post another article about Hualien's souvenir)
楊子萱招牌愛玉 Lime Juice with Aiyu Jelly
這一家的檸檬愛玉我超級推薦的!我在台灣其他地方喝過檸檬愛玉很多次,但是這個喝起來真的好清新好天然好舒服。它是即點即時人手鮮榨的。用的是青檸,甜度可以調整。 I would highly recommend this lime juice with aiyu jelly! I had this drink before in other parts of Taiwan but I like this one most because it tasted really natural and refreshing! The lime juice is freshly made once after the order is placed. The sweetness can be adjusted according to your preference. 分數 Score: ★★★★1/2 (5分滿分 Over 5)
泥巴咖啡,老鼠背果 Mud Coffee, Mouse Bagel
這一家的咖啡很特別,它有泥巴咖啡的名字是因為他的咖啡都浮有一些渣滓,其實那些渣滓沒有什麼味道。咖啡很容易入口,也不會過苦,我覺得挺不錯的。 The Mud Coffee was very special. It has such a name as it has some dross floating on the coffee (but actually they didn't have much taste) . The coffee was quite smooth and not too bitter. I like it quite a lot! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"] 泥巴咖啡 Mud Coffee[/caption] 另外,我要大大推薦他們的貝果,他們有多款貝果:(圖片出自"老鼠貝果"的Facebook專頁) I must also recommend its bagels, Mouse Bagel, to you. They came in different flavours: (The photo is from the Facebook page of "老鼠貝果") 老闆先會把老鼠貝果放到烤箱再上碟,我不得不讚一下他們烤貝果烤得很好。我記得以前在美國吃貝果的時候,就算把貝果放在桌子上10分鐘,貝果也不會變濕,表面還可以保留脆脆的。但是後來我回到香港就發現我從來沒有吃過可以放在桌子上超過5分鐘還可以保持脆脆的貝果。但是泥巴咖啡的老鼠貝果可以放超過7-8分鐘也保持脆脆的口感! They would first heat it in the oven before serving it. I must say that I really like how they heated it. I could still remember that when I first ate bagels in the US, even if the bagels were put on the tables for more than 10 min (after been taken out from the oven), they could still remain crispy and dry on the surface. However, when I was back to Hong Kong, I have never found a bagel which can stay crispy 5 min after being taken out from the oven. I was really surprised to find that the Mouse Bagel managed to stay crispy and dry 7-8 min after being served. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2048"] 蔓越莓貝果 Cranberry Bagel[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2048"] 巧克力核桃貝果 Chocolate Walnut Bagel[/caption] 這個貝果的口感沒有我想象中的扎實,但是材料很足,滿滿的蔓越莓和核桃!我尤其喜歡它的蔓越莓貝果,吃起來感覺很有自家製的感覺。巧克力就吃起來挺有巧克力的香味,但是不會過甜,我覺得也很好吃! 其實泥巴咖啡的位置也很方便,所以我會推薦大家如果逛到累想喝杯咖啡的時候來這裡歇一歇! The texture of this bagel was not as hard and sticky as I thought. I liked it being full of berries and walnuts!! I liked the Cranberry Bagel the most because it tasted very home-made. The Chocolate Walnut Bagel also tasted quite nice, it was rich of chocolate but didn't taste too sweet! I found that the location of Mud Coffee, Mouse Bagel very convenient! Therefore, I would recommend you to come here to have a rest if you start to feel tired after shopping at the souvenir shops nearby! 分數 Score: ★★★★1/2 (5分滿分 Over 5)
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